Maine Credit Unions Head to GAC

Next week, credit unions from across the country will gather in Washington, DC, for the annual CUNA Government Affairs Conference (GAC).  106 representatives from local credit unions, the League, and CUNA Mutual Group will make the trip from Maine to DC.  Attendees will join Maine’s congressional delegation at a special breakfast on Capitol Hill on March 12.

“I am looking forward to attending my first GAC,” said Robert Caverly, League Vice President of Governmental Affairs. “GAC will provide a great opportunity to share best practices with our colleagues from other states and hear directly from CUNA about the issues they are working on.”

The annual event will feature prominent national speakers including Former Secretary of State John Kerry and New Times best-selling authors Malcolm Gladwell and Dana Perino. Numerous break-out sessions also are on the conference agenda covering a variety of topics including diversity; payments and cybersecurity; the new Congress; and bank attacks.

“The legislative and regulatory environment is always changing, which is why events like GAC are important,” added Caverly. “I’m confident we will come away feeling even more prepared to pursue our advocacy goals in both Augusta and DC.”

GAC kicks-off on March 10 and runs until March 13.